Nirankar Children Embark on a Virtual Journey of Discovery

Nirankar Balagram - Hadapsar, Pune

From Thu Jun 06 2024, 10:00:00 AM

To Thu Jun 06 2024, 1:00:00 PM


On June 6th, 2024, the Ananda Vriddhi Foundation (AVF) organized a memorable event at the Nirankar Orphanage, where children had the chance to participate in the "Dekho Apna Desh" program. This innovative initiative allowed them to explore various famous locations through virtual reality (VR) headsets, including Raigad Fort, Dal Lake, and a zoo.

The children’s reactions were nothing short of joyful. Many of them had never experienced such technology before, and their excitement was palpable as they donned the VR headsets. They were amazed to see the stunning visuals of places they had only heard about. The immersive experience sparked their curiosity and imagination, leading to animated discussions among the children about the different locations they "visited."

Shri Keshav Dhende, the founder and Director of Nirankar Balagram, and his team of caretakers played a crucial role in the event's success. They facilitated the children’s engagement with the VR content, ensuring that everyone had a chance to participate. Their encouragement and support helped create a positive atmosphere, making the experience even more enjoyable for the children.

Feedback from the children was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed gratitude towards theAnanda Vriddhi Foundation and Tellme Digiinfotech Pvt. Ltd., who provided the VR content. They shared how the experience opened their eyes to the beauty of their country and inspired them to learn more about these places. The children mentioned that they felt as if they had travelled, and some even expressed a desire to visit these locations in real life one day.

The "Dekho Apna Desh" program significantly impacted the children’s understanding of different destinations. It not only provided entertainment but also educated them about the cultural and historical significance of the places they explored. This experience broadened their horizons and instilled a sense of pride in their heritage.

Overall, the event was a resounding success, showcasing the power of technology in enriching the lives of children. The Ananda Vriddhi Foundation remains committed to creating more such opportunities that inspire and uplift underprivileged children.